5 Green Skills Solutions from the FuturePlanet Community

Green Education and Skills

Discover 5 solutions shared at our Community Connect Live event in London

🧠 In this blog article...

Community Connect is a live and online event intentionally designed to connect you with your peers, discover solutions, and receive and share support. In one of our live events in London, our members adventured through 5 impactful solutions that can help your organisation navigate the green transition through green skills and education.

✨ You will discover

✅ Core skills are soft skills
✅ Reverse mentoring for climate action
✅ Closing the green skills gap inclusively
✅ Inspiring and educating the next generation
✅ The sustainable procurement framework

...and our podcast episode with Simon Dawes, Head of Sustainable Business Strategy at the Environment Agency, who shares about how they upskilled 11,000 staff in carbon literacy.

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Karen Cripps - Senior Lecturer in Responsible Management and Leadership - Oxford Brookes Uni -  shared Insights from a report co-authored with climate change coaches 'Holding Back Climate Progress: Sustainability’s Critical Skills Gap'.

The research highlights the crucial importance for organisations to prioritise the development of soft skills such as staff engagement and greater collaboration to help individuals cope and better enable organisations to achieve a green transition.


The study involved a survey and interviews with 159 sustainability professionals from diverse organisational levels and regions, with nearly half representing companies with established climate targets.

 👉🏽 Access the full report here

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Emma Keller - Head of Sustainability - Nestle UK&I - shared how reverse mentoring is inspiring inclusive action through the business. Pioneered by the Nestlé One World network the reverse mentoring scheme, connects members of the network with the leadership team, to share experience and knowledge.

The scheme brings fresh thinking to the business, providing connection and a space for openness and transparency to talk about climate change and sustainability.  

🌱 Gives an opportunity to hear the challenges senior leaders face
🌱 Explores what young people feel about sustainabilty 
🌱 Helps to align everyone in one direction

👆🏽 Watch the 2-minute video above sharing the experience of Nestle's Sales and Sustainability Lead Daisy Thompson, and Head of Legal Mark Maurice-Jones about what they have gained from taking part in the scheme.

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Katie Neck - Founder - Sustained Futures - shared how they support organisations like Arsenal Football Club to address the green skills gaps and give teams the sustainability skills to lead.  

Through a simple and impactful process, companies are guided and empowered to:

🌱 Identify the skill gap and risk to the business per role and,
🌱 Create tailored green skills pathways across all departments

For every employee Sustained Futures educate, they upskill and certify a young, future change-maker to grow and develop their green skills. Inspiring the next generation with STEM ambassadors and environmental scientists.

👉🏽 Download the slides here 

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Toby Hunt - CEO - Earth Cubs - shared how they inspire the next generation of global citizens through entertainment, made fun. 

🌱 Bookazines, podcasts and videos that entertain and educate children
🌱 Themes include farm to fork, rewilding and smart eating
🌱 Partnerships with brands and content partners

Discover how you can achieve social impact goals and brand equity by inspiring the next generation of global citizens.

👉🏽 Access the slides here to know more

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Kevin Dunckley - CSO - HHGlobal - shared a creative tool to engage and educate a global workforce to reduce scope 3 emissions.  

Using the SDGs framework, the tech-enabled Sustainable Procurement Framework (SPF) program supports companies to:

🌱 improve their ESG credentials,
🌱 learn from HH Global’s sustainability journey, and
🌱 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

This creates an educative and gamified approach to engage all employees and embed change. The team is exploring making it open-sourced. Would this be a valuable tool?


👉🏽 View the slides here to explore the full approach and journey that suppliers are guided through. 

Thursday update - Featured podcast Simon Dawes-1

More inspiring content from FuturePlanet about green education
Listen to our podcast with Simon Dawes

When green skills become part of everyone’s role, net zero accelerates naturally, powered by collective action and shared purpose.

In this podcast episode, we are joined by Simon Dawes - Head of Sustainable Business Strategy - Environment Agency UK - who plays a pivotal role in the UK's journey to Net Zero.

Together, we explore:

  • How Simon led the development and integration of a Net Zero delivery plan for a complex £1.3bn organisation
  • How championed a comprehensive Carbon Literacy training program for 11,000 staff helped to promote and embed sustainability and innovation at every level
  • How to accelerate change through collaboration in the construction sector
  • The business reasons for embracing the circular economy

To join the conversation, start listening right here and leave a comment to this blog post below 👇🏽


Alternatively, you can copy and paste this link into the podcast app of your choice.


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❤️ Feel energised, supported and a sense of belonging
🙌 Save time and discover solutions to your sustainability challenges

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If you would like to explore joining the community - please apply here. 

Together we can ✊🏽
