Together we can create a better future

Future Planet Podcast

Hear stories and solutions from the Planet's leading purpose pioneers.

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Uniting the planet's pioneers

Together, we will journey to every continent, every country, and every community. And ask the question, what is the future you dream of?

We will explore the blockers to us getting there, and we'll ask: What will it take, what do we need, what do you need to create a future where we all thrive in balance and harmony with nature and each other?


Carl Pratt Founder of Future Planet

All episodes

Our community has been collaborating, now you can join in

FuturePlanet - Podcast - Catherine Howarth
FuturePlanet - Podcast - Jonathan Porritt
FuturePlanet Podcast - Philippe Birker
FuturePlanet - Podcast - Timothee Parrique
Episode 1

Catherine Howarth OBE, CEO at ShareAction

Catalysing transformation in banking and finance

Episode 2

Jonathon Porritt CBE, Co-founder of Forum for the Future

Campaigning, intergenerational, intersectional climate activism

Episode 3

Philippe Birker, Co-Founder of Climate Farmers

Policy, soil health and growing regenerative agriculture

episode 4

Timothée Parrique, Author and Researcher at Lund University

Degrowth: Growing new models of business and wellbeing

FuturePlanet - Podcast - Michelle Holiday
FuturePlanet - Podcast - David Carlin
FuturePlanet - Podcast - Anne Hopkins and Simeon Rose
Episode 5

Michelle Holliday, Author of "Age of Thrivability"

A future we can all thrive in

Episode 6

David Carlin, Head of Climate Risk and TCFD at UNEP FI

Co-creating a flowing river of finance

Episode 7

Simeon Rose & Anne Hopkins, Faith in Nature & Co-creators of Nature on the Board

Giving nature a voice at the heart of business

Episode 8

Dr. Adam Read MBE, Chief Sustainability & External Affairs Officer at SUEZ UK

Transforming the materials, resources sector to be wasteless

Episode 9

Kumi Naidoo, Founding Chair at Africans Rising for Justice, Peace and Dignity

Activism and a lifetime struggle for justice

Episode 10

Catherine Conway, Director & Reuse Lead at GoUnpackaged

No time to waste to get to zero waste

Episode 11

Brad Vanstone, Co-founder of Willicroft

A generational evolution of cheese making

Episode 12

Hermione Taylor, Founder & CEO at Do Nation

Ride the change towards collective sustainable action

Simon Dawes cover art
Episode 13

Vibhati Bhatia, Founder of South Asians for Sustainability

Empathy and the quest for environmental and social justice

Episode 14

Andres Roberts, Founder of Bio-Leadership Project

A new story of nature-centred leadership

Episode 15

Simon Dawes, Head of Sustainable Business Strategy of UK Environment Agency

Collaboration to create a thriving low carbon economy

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